New STIR/SHAKEN enhancements in ClearIP
Software is delivering real benefits to consumers
ATLANTA, Georgia, August 5, 2019 — TransNexus today announced new STIR/SHAKEN enhancements in its ClearIP software platform. The new capabilities extend policy controls for greater precision in defining how STIR/SHAKEN processing should be done for specific groups of calls.

“All ClearIP service-provider customers have been signing and/or verifying caller ID using STIR/SHAKEN for several months now,” said Jim Dalton, TransNexus CEO. “This experience has identified opportunities for us to fine-tune the software to accommodate a wide variety of scenarios. It’s exciting to see this new technology deliver real benefits to consumers.”
STIR/SHAKEN enhancements
Authentication policies by calling SPID/OCN
ClearIP now supports configuration of STI-AS authentication policies by calling SPID/OCN. Originating service providers may wish to sign outbound calls with different levels of attestation depending upon the SPID associated with the calling number. This enhancement enables such targeted controls.
Option to place the Identity token in an X-Identity header
With in-band STIR/SHAKEN, ClearIP typically inserts the Identity token into the SIP Identity header. Some SBCs require the Identity token be placed into an X-Identity header. We have added support for this in ClearIP.
Return out-of-band tokens in SIP signaling
We introduced Out-of-Band STIR/SHAKEN call authentication capabilities in ClearIP in April 2019. This is an optional method of sending Identity tokens out-of-band across the internet to ensure that the originating PASSporT is available to the terminating service provider.
Some larger service providers have complex networks with diverse technology. When portions of their network use older technology, they need out-of-band SHAKEN call authentication to get the Identity token across this portion of their network. Once the token has crossed the divide, they may wish to put it back into the SIP signaling.
For this reason, we have added an option to STI-VS verification policies to return an out-of-band Identity token into the SIP signaling. It’s a rare use-case, but a valuable feature for service providers who want it.
TransNexus STIR/SHAKEN solutions
We have developed STIR/SHAKEN software solutions within our ClearIP and NexOSS software products. These solutions are deployed at telecom service providers in production.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your STIR/SHAKEN deployment.