Branded calling
Branded calling lets callers manage their calling identity, gives called parties the trust and confidence they need to answer their calls, and improves call completion.
Enterprise callers implement branded calling to make their calling efforts more effective.
Voice service providers make branded calling available to customers who are looking for ways to increase the value they gain from their communication services.

Identify Your Brand
Without branded calling, many subscribers see a calling number that they don’t recognize on an incoming call. Subscribers are unlikely to trust or answer such calls.
With branded calling, subscribers see a name that they know and trust. They are more likely to answer the call. This will improve the brand’s call completion rate.

Control Brand Presentation

Android Example
Without branded calling, many subscribers see a caller name fetched from a third-party CNAM database. Such databases are often out of date. Callers want more control over how their brand is presented to the people they call.
With branded calling, callers control the brand name presented to called parties. Their calling identity is always up-to-date, accurate, and on-brand.
Branded calling can also display the brand logo and a call reason on supported handsets.
Branded Calling and STIR/SHAKEN Call Authentication
Brands can optimize call completion and call back by using branded calling and working with originating voice service providers that can provide a legitimate, full A-level attestation when authenticating their outbound calls using STIR/SHAKEN.
With branded calling, callers control the brand name presented to called parties. Their calling identity is always up-to-date, accurate, and on-brand.
- Branded caller name is more accurate than CNAM
- Can present a call reason and the caller’s logo image on supported handsets
- Eliminates SPAM Likely tags, so calls get through
- Ensures that branded calling information will not display on spoofed calls

BCID™ — The Most Secure and Trusted Branded Calling Ecosystem

BCID is the only industry-led, Branded Calling ID, standards-based Rich Call Data (RCD) ecosystem engineered to be secure-by-design and to deliver trusted, branded calls nationwide for enterprise businesses.
- Standards based end-to-end security
- Trusted ecosystem comprised of authorized partners who are vetted and audited
- Caller telephone numbers, display names, logos, and call reasons are independently vetted and verified
- Single uniform ecosystem ensures cross-network coverage
- Callers receive confirmation that their branded calling information was delivered
TransNexus is an Authorized BCID Signing Agent. Our solutions generate the cryptographic signature on the SHAKEN PASSporT that confirms a BCID call has been properly vetted and validated by an Authorized Partner. Terminating Service Providers rely on this signature to know which calls contain vetted display data they can trust to convey to their customer handsets.
BCID™ is a service mark of CTIA — The Wireless Association.
Contact us today to learn more.