SHAKEN attestation statistics for early July 2021

We analyzed statistics for SHAKEN attestation in the early days of SHAKEN after the FCC mandate went into effect. There are some interesting findings here. Let’s have a look.

Attestation is evolving

We pulled attestation numbers from July 1–12, 2021 for signed calls received by service providers using ClearIP. We found calls signed by 145 different service provider codes. This is up slightly from the 131 providers signing calls in the June SHAKEN statistics we reported previously.

We’ve shared our findings that a large percentage of calls are being signed with full attestation (A). Here’s how SHAKEN attestation has been evolving.

SHAKEN attestation evolution

Figure 1: SHAKEN Attestation Evolution

Full attestations continue to decline. Still, it seems that SHAKEN calls are mostly signed with full attestation. But is that really true?

Attestation profiles by service provider type

We thought we might gain deeper insight if we look at attestation by service provider type. The following illustration summarizes our findings.

Attestation by service provider type

Figure 2: Attestation by Service Provider Type

For each provider type, the different color bars show the proportion of their calls they signed with full (green), partial (orange), and gateway (red) attestation.

This is interesting. Attestation levels vary significantly by provider type. They aren’t all giving full attestation. Why does it seem like they are (see figure 1, above)?

Analytics graphic

Call signers

Let’s look at the distribution of calls and providers by provider type in our data for July 1–12.

Distribution of calls and providers by provider type

Figure 3: Proportions of Calls and Providers by Provider Type

The orange bars show the percentage of signed calls by provider type. The blue line shows the percentage of providers/call signers in that category.

Cellular/PCS/SMR providers generated the most signed calls, 73.1%. The blue line shows that they represent only 4.8% of the service providers signing calls.

The reason that so many calls receive full attestation is because so many signed calls are originated by wireless providers. They sign most calls with full attestation (see figure 2, above). When you break it down by provider type, there’s more variety in attestation levels.

Downstream signers

We reviewed attestation statistics for three providers that sign lots of calls for their upstream service provider customers. We coined a new provider type for this analysis, downstream signer. Here’s what we found.

Downstream signer attestations July 2021

Figure 4: Downstream Signer Attestation

If you were wondering whether downstream signers are signing calls for their upstream service provider customers with full A attestation, here’s your answer: not so much. They’re giving lots of partial B attestations and fewer full A attestations.

TransNexus solutions

We offer STIR/SHAKEN and robocall mitigation solutions in our ClearIP and NexOSS software platforms. We can make your STIR/SHAKEN deployment a smooth process.

In addition, we help service providers with all aspects of STIR/SHAKEN deployment, including registering with the Policy Administrator and filing their certification with the FCC.

Contact us today to learn more.

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