FTC says robocall complaints reach a new record
The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has reported that it's already received 3.5 million complaints around robocalls in the first eight months of 2017.
In 2016 the FTC received 3.4 million robocall complaints, so 2017 will certainly see a significant record around the number of complaints to the FTC.
Work is being done at the FTC and the FCC to curb the amount of robocalls Americans are subjected to every day. STIR and SHAKEN are the protocols designed to stop caller-ID spoofed robocalls, but work on implementing these protocols will take quite a long time.
In the meantime, the FTC reminds the public that “they have resolved 124 cases of fraudulent robocalls and delivered over $120MN in compensation to harmed consumers. Most notably charging $280MN in penalties to Dish Network (DISH) in June for reaching out to millions of consumers who were on the Do Not Call registry using robocalls.”