NexOSS release notes

This page provides summary descriptions of significant changes in NexOSS release levels as an informative resource for NexOSS customers.

Major versions:

Version 13

DateNexOSS VersionUI VersionOSPrey VersionSignificant Changes
2025-03-2113. - If certain characters such as % are present in the userinfo portion of R-URI, From or To headers, SIP 429 messages will be returned and OSPrey will appear to be offline. A fix has been implemented that will block any messages that contain unacceptable characters with a SIP 400 response. Acceptable characters are any digits, upper and lower case letters of the alphabet, “+”, “(”, “)”, space, “*”, “#”, “.”, “,”, “=”, “:”, and “_”.
Fixed typos within log messages.
Upgraded Tomcat to version 9.0.102.
2025-03-1413.2.4SHAKEN enhancement to add renewal process for France indirect certificates.
OpenSIPS USERINFO_REGEX configuration option added to OSPrey Custom Configuration page in NexOSS UI.
2025-03-0513. enhancements to add UI pages for non-BCID Rich Call data and for restricting RCD pages to use a non-CTIA certificate. CDR Analyzer enhancements to include Routing Decisions as options for running reports.
Added new page: CDR-Analyzer / Routing / Descriptions / Routing-Decisions
Added new page: SHAKEN / Rich-Call-Data
Authentication Policies
Display Identity Records
Added new CDR Columns
RCD Enterprise ID
RCD Custom Info
Restructuring of SHAKEN pages to appear in the UI in the order that they are searched
2025-02-2713. enhancement to include support for non-BCID Rich Call Data.
Added support for non BCID RCD (requires OSPrey v.8.9.0):
Two new configuration sets - Authentication Policies and Display Identity Records
Two new CDR Columns - RcdEnterpriseId and RcdCustomInfo
8.8.0OSPrey package now includes an onboard Logo Server and the ability to sign URLs for added security.
Added OSPrey Custom Config options for enabling Logo Server:
Added configuration in Commands Queue page for restarting nginx
Updated Route Lookup page documentation
Added new page: SHAKEN / Configuration / Signed-URLs
2025-01-2413.1.43Route Lookup Tool Enhancements
Extended Route Lookup tool to include optional SourceAlternate/transport (SBC or OSPrey device)
Fixed GUI Auth issue.
Extended Number Translation to include the “Bulk-Update” option
Added CDR-Analyzer / Routing / Fraud-Reports
2024-12-1113.1.421.0.328Route Lookup Tool Enhancements
Extended Route Provisioning / Route Lookup to support Call Info / Expected Call Info
Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.13 (skip pa-refresh for Private)
SBOM changes
commons-lang3 3.7.0 > 7.17.0
2024-12-1013.1.411.0.327OSPrey Package Enhancements for determining how CallInfo header is returned in 300 response
Added OSPrey Custom config EMBEDDED_CALLINFO configuration option for OpenSIPS,
Extended capabilities in CDR Analyzer to show Fraud Score percentages for a given time period.
2024-12-0513.1.40CDR Analyzer Enhancements
Added the following CDR Analyzer Operations:
Count of Unique Call Time Minute Intervals
Count of Unique Call Time Hour Intervals
Count of Unique Call time Day Intervals
Software Bill of Material Changes (SBOM)
redshift-jdbc42- > redshift-jdbc42-
snowflake-jdbc 3.13.30 > 3.20.0
commons-io 2.11.0 > 2.14.0
commons-configuration 2.9.0 > 2.11.0
2024-10-2413.1.381.0.324SHAKEN Enhancements for French Indirect Certificates
Added support for Indirect certs (France)
Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.12
Updated UI to separate SHAKEN/Certificates/France into Direct-France and Indirect-France
Added the OSPrey custom config option USE_LIBPHONENUMBER to allow the use of Google DB for validation and formatting of numbers.
2024-10-1713.1.361.0.3238.7.0 – 8.7.19SHAKEN Enhancements to include STI Authentication/Verification for local Call Placement Service for out-of-band SHAKEN
Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.11
Added STI Private STI Auth/Verify for local CPS for out-of-band SHAKEN
Added support for Private SHAKEN Certificates
2024-10-0813.1.35Improved CDR Analyzer Error email alert reporting
Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.10 (Updated CR URL for the BCID CA)
Improved CDR Analyzer email alert when report/cdr request fails
2024-10-0313.1.34CDR Analyzer Enhancements to include help information for report creation.
Updated CDR Analyzer configuration (details added to provide information for options available to create reports)
2024-09-2713.1.331.0.3228.5.18 - 8.6.8Enhancement to OSPrey to allow for enforcing attributes concerning the PAI header.
Added a new config set - PAI Enforcement (OSPrey 8.5.18)
Added automatic updates for Google Tool library (OSPrey 8.7.1)
Updated CDR Analyzer descriptions and viewers
2024-09-1813.1.321.0.3218.5.17SHAKEN enhancement to allow for signing and verification of domestic calls only.
Added feature for SHAKEN Authentication and Verification for Domestic Only Calls.
2024-09-1813.1.311.0.320CDR Analyzer enhancement for adding help pages for options available in each field.
Added help to CDR Analyzer
Added Columns Description Pages
Added Aggregations Descriptions Pages
2024-09-1313.1.30CDR Analyzer enhancement for updating column names and descriptions.
Adding help to CDR Analyzer
Updated column names and descriptions to be more user friendly
2024-08-2813.1.28OSPrey Package enhancement to allow for configuring list of SIP codes that will not prompt failover on the response.
Added NOTFAILOVER_CODE_LIST for OpenSIPS configuration template to allow for disabling failover for specified response codes.
DNO Configuration enhancement to allow for skipping certain types of data. User manual updates.
Allow functionality in DNO Config to allow data sets to be skipped (npa,npanxx,npanxxx,did,8yy)
Update User Manual in UI
2024-08-1313. request enhancement to allow for user name to be included in the request
Extended unix/utils/
2024-08-0813.1.23Added API (concurrent) Request Rate Throttle
2024-08-0613.1.22CDR Viewer enhancements to add new columns.
Added the following columns to CDR Viewer
Billing CDR view enhancements to update descriptions. Increased replication of the DID pages from hourly to each minute.
Increased frequency of DID replication from once an hour to every minute
Updated descriptions in Billing CDR viewer
Updated SIP/CDR charts to allow for + in search filter
Removed Manual Replication page for DID/Number Translation
Grouped Peers-Bulk pages
2024-07-1613. – 8.5.9SHAKEN Blacklist enhancements to include new Blacklist by SPID page. OSPrey Package enhancement to return SIP 503 instead of 603 on Blacklisted By Verification SPID and Attestation.
New Configuration Set - Blacklisted By Verification Spid And Attestation (SHAKEN -> Blacklist By SPID)
Added new UI Page: SHAKEN / Blacklist-By-SPID
Updated OSPrey to send response code 503 (instead of 603) on Blacklisted By Verification Spid and Attestation
2024-06-1013.1.16Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.9 (Don’t stop on one cert get/refresh)
Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.8 (Use staging PA to CTIA tst)
Converted special account selection to rule-based
Added OpenSIPS configuration template variables.
2024-06-2713.1.13CDR Analyzer enhancments to expose additional fields. High availability enhancements to include nexoss_monitor check of remote web server.
Extended nexoss_monitor to check (in HA) remote web server (corrections)
Exposed the following in CDR Analyzer:
2024-06-2613.1.12Extended nexoss_monitor to check (in HA) remote web server.
8.5.3 – 8.5.5Traffic Analyzer enhancement to allow for enabling or disabling the storing of CDRs for routed calls. OSPrey Package enhancements to allow for normalizing asserted numbers. NexOSS enhancement to allow for bulk update options. CDR Analyzer enhancements to add new fields to the CDR viewer.
Added variable StoreCDRsForRoutedCalls to allow enabling or disabling the storing of CDRs for Routed calls (OSPrey 8.5.3)
Added variables “StiToUseCalledNumberAssertedAfterPreRouting” and “StiToUseCallingNumberAssertedAfterPreRouting” to allow OSPrey to normalize Asserted Numbers. (OSPrey 8.5.3)
Added bulk update option to the following pages:
Updated CDR Analyzer viewer with the following:
Extended Traffic-Analyzer/Configuration/Minimize-Routing-CDRs to manage whether StoreCDRsForRoutedCalls is enabled or disabled
Extended SHAKEN/Configuration/Global-Policy-Properties to manage whether StiToUseCalledNumberAssertedAfterPreRouting and StiToUseCallingNumberAssertedAfterPreRouting is enabled or disabled
2024-06-1313.1.10**NexOSS enhancements to use pre-packaged SHIELD lists for Called
2024-05-3013. page enhancements to allow for TSP Access Token. OSPrey Package enhancement to include new CDR fields. Blacklist enhancements to allow for blocking calls to/from invalid numbers. System enhancement to remove displayed password in URL path.
Extended BCID configuration to include TSP_AccessToken and RootHashes (OSPrey 8.5.2)
Add new OSPrey CDR columns to the database
261 OriginalCalledPartyNumber
262 LastRedirectTransferringNumber
263 OrigCalledPartyRedirectOnBehalfOf
264 LastRedirectRedirectOnBehalfOf
265 OriginalCalledPartyRedirectReason
266 LastRedirectReason
267 CalledNumberShieldStatus
268 STIVerificationRootHash
269 STIVerificationSpid
270 STIVerificationRcdClaims
Extended the following pages to include an option to block calls from/to invalid numbers:
Added logging for proxy searches to OSPrey for the following:
Removed the following duplicate pages:
Blacklisted-Called-Numbers/Custom-Black-White-List/Manage Blacklisted-Called-Numbers/Shield-Updates
Blacklisted-Called-Numbers/Shield-Database Blacklisted-IP-Addresses/Blacklisted-IP-Addresses-by-Country
Blacklisted-IP-Addresses/Blacklisted-Subnets Blacklisted-IP-Addresses/Custom-Black-White-List
Updated system to use pre-packaged Called
2024-05-0813.1.2Added unique constraint enforcement for group names across customer, product and diversion route plans.
2024-05-0713.1.1Added memory utilization logging on rate plan loading.
2024-04-2613. – 8.5.2OSPrey Package enhancement for querying LNP database.
Added two new variables for controlling blocking of invalid numbers:
Added functionality to query OSPrey servers for the LNP database.
2024-04-2513.0.21Updated STI-KMS to 2.6.7 (BCID)
Updated RouteLink to support https and ossservice2 security enhancements.
Route Lookup tool enhancements. SHAKEN enhancements to allow for choosing the called number either from the From header or the Asserted Id.
Updated Route-Provisioning/Route-Lookup with the following:
Increased range for the trace
Increased range for time-zone
Updated SHAKEN/Configuration/Global-Policy-Properties to remove option From-Only and add option From-Or-Assertedid
Removed page Fraud-Control_Configuration_Diversion-Devices
Renamed US-RCD-Dev to US-RCD-Tst in BCID certificates page
Extended Route-Provisioning/Route-Lookup to include Bypass Id
2024-04-0213.0.19Route Provisioning Destinations enhancement to allow actions based upon Calls Countries List. Enhancement to allow breakout codes to be associated with a particular country.
Added the following options in Route Provisioning -> Destinations -> Manage
Domestic Calls Countries List
Domestic Calls Countries List Action
International Calls Countries List
International Calls Countries List Action
Added Breakout to ISO Code mapping page to allow ISO codes to be associated with a particular country.
2024-03-1213.0.15OpenSIPS Package enhancement to control whether the received 503 is translated into a 500 reply.
Compression performance optimization while uploading CDR files to cloud storage
Added OpenSIPS 503_TRANSLATION configuration option. False (default) setting means that OpenSIPS will not translate the received 503 replies into 500 replies.
2024-03-0813.0.14Added functionality to allow any character to be considered valid in the OSPrey Custom Config OIDC_USER_FIELD
2024-03-0513.0.11BCID enhancement for using Automatic Certificate Management.
Added functionality to generate certificateRepositoryUrl based on BCID profile template and certificate’s serial number (STI-KMS to 2.6.5)
2024-03-0113. Analyzer enhancements to add new CDR columns and to expose SIP code in the reports. NexOSS enhancement to allow both customer account and provider accounts to be used on the Blacklists pages. SHAKEN enhancement to allow the Organization to be added on the Certificates page.
Added new CDR column - Reported Duration - to the database and CDRAnalyzer
Exposed SIP Code in CDRAnalyzer
Extended Route-Provisioning/Least-Cost/Products-By-Called-Number/Generate-Product-Rates to include 1NPANXX-Only
2024-02-2713.0.8OSPrey Package enhancements to allow for adding HTTPS proxy and adding options to choose SMTP SSL protocols.
Added the following keys in the Custom Config file:
2024-02-1413.0.7Updated DNO configuration to include lastUpdate as a comment
Added digit length validation for the following keys:
TollFreeProviders.minKeyLength=11 // full 18yynxxXXXX
PortedNumbers.minKeyLength=8 // from 1npanxxX
LERG.minKeyLength=7 // from 1npanxx
DNO.minKeyLength=4 // from 1npa
2024-02-1213.0.6Added functionality to FileMon to disable applications that have been running but have not generated any logs for a time period.
DNO enhancements to include automatic full refresh of DNO database. New page added for managing DNO.
Added functionality into DNO to support automatic full refresh.
Resolved issue in migrate script for users
Added new pages for managing DNO – Fraud-Control/Robocall-Toolkit/DNO
Updated SHAKEN/Branded-Calling/Authentication-Policies page to require account
2024-02-0813.0.4Updated DNO configuration for download/sync.
2024-02-0113.0.2Added replication processes for DNO:
DNO configuration
2024-02-0113. enhancements to add support for test records. OSPrey Package enhancement to allow for round calls duration up or down. Route Lookup Tool enhancements.
Added support for the addition of test records BCID Rcd staging (SHAKEN/Branded-Calling-ID/Testing-In-Staging)
Added OSPrey custom config flag durationRoundAlg to allow for rounding call duration up or down.
Updated SPID validation to 1-4 characters
Renamed SHAKEN/Branded-Calling/CTIA pages to SHAKEN/Branded-Calling-ID
Extended Route Provisioning/Route-Lookup page to support the following:
From Display
Identity Payload
Expected Identity Payload
Extended CDR viewer to include the following new CDR columns:
STI Auth Spid
STI Auth Bcid Enterprise Id
STI Auth Rcd Claims
Added Traffic-Analyzer/Configuration/Duration-Rounding page
2024-01-2913.0.0BCID enhancments to add 3 new columns for RCD support.
Added 3 new columns for BCID RCD support:
STI Auth Spid
STI Auth Bcid Enterprise Id
STI Auth Rcd claims
Updated Linux Cluster size check for HA deployments.

Top of page

Version 12

DateNexOSS VersionUI VersionOSPrey VersionSignificant Changes
2024-01-2412. – 8.4.4BCID functionality added. OSPrey Package enhancement to allow for choosing how the Asserted Calling Number and the Display Name are selected. Route Lookup tool enhancements.
Added BCID functionality.
Updated BCID State, BCID Directory Identity Records and BCID TN Records pages to have “Delete All” action.
Added the following OSPRrey (v.8.4.0) configuration variables
Updated route lookup tool to include:
FromSourceInfo/type=DisplayName (input)
IdentitySourceInfo/type=sip (input)
Expected.IdentityPayload (input)
SipRequestDate (defaults to now)
2024-01-1812. Lookup tool enhancements.
Updated Route Lookup tool to optionally check for expected results and to support upload
2024-01-1512.19.22Upgraded STI-KMS to 2.6.3 (French CA regression testing).
2024-01-1112.19.21Improved StiPing logging for Sign/Verify failures.
2024-01-1112.19.20NexOSS enhancement to add configuration for enabling TLS support.
Updated configuration for enabling TLS support.
2024-01-0812. enhancement to allow Single Sign-on.
Added support for NexOSS Single Sign-on.
2024-01-0312.19.13Upgraded Tomcat from 9.0.73 to 9.0.84.
2023-12-2712.19.6Improved password authentication
Added OSPrey Custom Config option - ALLOW_USER_OSSSERVICE - to support upgrades from older OSPrey (prior to 8.3.8) servers
Enabled TLS support
Enabled TLS 1.2 on port 2443
Upgraded STI-KMS to 2.6.1
Reputation and CNAM configuration enhancement to allow characters in password.
Resolved issues with add/copy OSPrey-Provisioning/Commands/Commands-Queue page
Moved Route-Lookup from Server/Monitors to Route-Provisioning section
Updated password validation to allow characters in password for SHAKEN/Reputation-and-CNAM/Configuration
Route Lookup Tool enhancements.
Extended Route Lookup to support Asserted Called Number (ToDestinationInfo=e164)
Added security headers and use authorization header instead of querying parameter for token
2023-12-0712. enhancement to add Authentication Policies page.
Added NexOSS managed configuration set – Bcid Rcd Authentication Policies.
Added new UI page SHAKEN/Branded-Calling/CTIA/Authentication-Policies
2023-12-0512. enhancement to allow downloading Telephone Number Records and Display Identity Records databases. BCID configuration pages added.
Upgraded STI-KMS to v.2.6.0 (ACME)
Updated configuration for BCID downloads - active server downloads and shares with OSPrey and stand-by OSS
Access downloads
State of downloads
Added new BCID configuration sets for downloading databases:
BCID Telephone Number Records
BCID Display Identity Records
Added new pages to UI:
8.3.5 – 8.3.7OSPrey Package enhancement to allow for disabling the RURU and To header comparison match on verification requests.
Added functionality to disable RURI and TO comparison on OSPrey during VS. (version 8.3.5)
Extended SHAKEN/Configuration/Global-Policy-Properties to list new stiVSmatchRURIandTo flag
Upgraded STI-KMS to v.2.5.8
2023-11-2212.18.22Upgraded STI-KMS to v.2.5.7 (Regression bug for Canada)
8.3.4OSPrey Package enhancements to add Dial Plan hunting options. Blacklist enhancement to add page for blocking by Calling and Called number.
Added dial plan hunting options for OSPrey 8.3.4
KeepHuntingDialPlansOnRouteWithDestinations (default false)
KeepHuntingDialPlansOnRouteWithoutDestinations (default false)
Added Global-Blacklisted-By-Source-Calling-Called-Numbers configuration (OSPrey 8.4.0) and added new UI page (Blacklisted-Global/By-Source-Calling-Called-Number)
Removed support for Active Directory
Added new UI page Route-Provisioning/Configuration/Dial-Plan-Hunting
2023-11-0212.18.16OSPrey Package enhancement to allow for use of X-User-Id header to define source user ID.
Added functionality to enforce unique names across customer routes, product routes and diversion route plan names.
Added X-User-Id option for source user ID.
2023-09-2812.18.14OSPrey Package enhancement for choosing how the Switch ID is determined. Support added to control whether a Reason Header in added or not.
Added SWID_LOGIC and ADD_REASON custom configuration template options.
NexOSS enhancement for adding OpenID Connect SSO support. Added support for Download/Upload options for OSPrey Custom Config page.
Updated Fraud-Control/Configuration/Disable-Reports/Filter-By-Device to include both customer and provider accounts.
Moved Fraud/Configuration/Global-Black-White-List to Fraud/Blacklists/Balcklisted-Global/By-Called-Number
Added OpenID Connect SSO support
Added Download/Upload options to Server/Software/OSPrey-Provisioning/Custom-Config-List
2023-09-1512. Billing Credit Control reports added. Fraud Control enhancement to add pages for viewing Fraud Control events. Added support for Acme SBC (acme-c9.1).
Extended Billing/Credit Control and Configuration reports to have Country variation (6 new trigger reports)
By Customer and Country by Day
By Customer and Country by Hour
By Calling Number and Country by Day
By Calling Number and Country by Hour
By GroupId and Country by Day
By GroupId and Country by Hour
Added FAILED_CODE to OSPrey Custom config lists to control the response code for failed calls.
Extended Fraud Control/Suspension to include pages for viewing all Fraud and Credit Control Trigger Events
Added acme-c9.1 into CDRForwarder supported SBC list
Reputation and CNAM enhancement to allow actions Divert Only and Divert and Route.
Added ability to configure search order of Fraud Report Filters (Fraud-Control/Configuration/Disable-Reports/Filter-Order).
Extended SHAKEN/Reputation-and-CNam/Policies to include Divert Only and Divert and Route actions for Invalid and High Risk Numbers
Fraud Analytic enhancement to add new reports. Support added for disabling mapping of IP addresses to Countries.
Added 4 new sets (Basic+Advanced) Fraud Analytics Slow Traffic Pumping reports
By Device
By Calling Number
By Calling Group Id
By Calling UserId
Added new page to disable mapping of IPs to Countries (Traffic-Analyzer/Configuration/Geo-Locations/IP-to-Country-Mapping-Enabled)
2023-08-2412.18.7OSPrey Package enhancement to allow for enabling/disabling whether angled brackets are included in the PAI header.
Added an OSPrey custom configuration variable - PAI_BRACKETS – to control whether angled brackets are included in the PAI header.
Increased Warning/Error thresholds for NPAC from 10/20 to 120/240
2023-08-1612. – 8.3.3SHAKEN enhancements to include configuration for French CA, to include fingerprint in US Certificates page, and support for how calls are handled if Authentication/Verification service is not available. CDR Viewer enhancments to include new fields.
Added configuraton for French CA
Variable stiVStrustBypassId added
Added Test Certificate and Validity Offset properties
RHEL 7/8 interop - switched to python2
Extended SHAKEN/Certificates/US page to include Fingerprint (user name)
Add new UI page SHAKEN/Configuration/Global-Policy-Properties for managing the following:
On STI Authentication Service Not Available
On STI Authentication Request Rejected
On STI Verification Service Not Available
Trust Bypass Id
Updated CDR Viewers to include:
CDR Proxy Host
CDR Proxy Folder
CDR Proxy Subfolder
STI Bypass Id
2023-08-1112. Package enhancement to allow for the use of SHAKEN response codes. CDRAnalyzer enhancements to add new columns.
Added configuration for French CA
Variable stiVSnotAvailable added
Variable stiASnotAvailable added
Variable stiASrejected added
Added new CDRAnalyzer Column – IdBypass
Upgraded STI-KMS to v.2.5.6
Added OSPrey Custom Config USE_SHAKEN_CODES flag.
Added new DB/CDRAnalyzer columns
Bypass Id
CDR Proxy Host
2023-08-0212.18.3Upgraded STI-KMS to 2.5.5
2023-08-0212. enhancement to allow for pre-production French certificates.
Upgraded STI-KMS to 2.5.4
Added platform column/option to OSPrey default and custom configuration pages
Extended SHAKEN/Certificates/France to show Country (FR
2023-07-2012. enhancements to support domestic and international routing.
Added support for domestic/international routing
Added new UI page for managing Country ISO codes for domestic/international routing
Extended Destination page to include the following new destination properties
Updated fraud breakouts codes lists
Extended CDR Analyzer to include Fraud Rate
2023-06-2812.17.371.0.237OSPrey Package enhancement to include p-network-id and p-source-otg as choices for Source Network ID.
Added Custom Config Lists page under Server -> Software -> OSPrey Provisioning
Extended Server/OSprey/Provisioning/Custom Config - opensips/SNID_LOGIC to include pnetworkid_psourceotg
2023-06-1312.17.34Updated OSPrey custom configuration default values for the following - SNID_LOGIC, USE_PSRCDEV
2023-05-2312.17.31Adding configuration for French CA
preFetchCerts during sti_kms_pa_refresh cycle
upgraded to STI-KMS 2.5.3
2023-05-1612.17.29Added configuration for French CA
upgraded to STI-KMS 2.5.2
2023-05-1112.17.28Added configuration for French CA
upgraded to STI-KMS 2.5.1
2023-05-0312.17.27System enhancement to allow SMTP method to be used for System Alerts.
Extended Email Alert pages to include SMTP method
Added support for STARTTLS and TLS 1.2
LCR enhancements to include allowing product rates to be created as 1NPANXX and to create product rates using meta data from the LERG.
Adding configuration for French CA
Upgraded to STI-KMS 2.5.0
Extended create product rates to include 1NPANXX (without the K blocks)
Extended create product rates - to include breakout meta info from LERG (State,LATA,OCN,Type,Company) or Custom Areas (AreaName,Comment)
Extended Route-Provisioning/Least-Cost/Products-By-Called-Number/Generate-Product-Rates to include Custom-5# and Custom-6# jurisdictions
Resolved issue with Server Internal Error on uploads to the Route-Provisioning/Direct-Routes/Manage page
Separated the SHAKEN/Operator section into the following:
SHAKEN/Certificates/View All
2023-04-1212.17.19Bug-Fix – Enforce no duplicates allowed in Accounts / Subscribers / Subscriber Rate Plan Assignments.
2023-04-1112. - 8.2.11Upgraded Tomcat from 9.0.54 to 9.0.73
8.2.3 - 8.2.5Updated Rates viewer sections into CalledAndCalling and CalledOnly
Added missing breakouts and variations (+ ## ### ####) to Fraud Trigger Breakouts
Rearranged the Number Translation/Post Routing pages to match the order of operations
Listed possible Call Type values for Number Translation/Routing/Call Type/Called-Number-Manipulation-By-CallType
Extended decision levels for Server/Monitors/Route-Lookup
2023-03-1612.17.16Added API_KEY to OSPrey Custom Config list. This key is used for pulling authenticated data from the portal to OSPreys
2023-03-0612.17.15Added functionality to interop with MySQL 8.x.x
2023-02-0312.17.07Removed support for Shared File System based HA deployment
8.2.0 – 8.2.2Least Cost Routing enhancement to include adding provider and product rates to Products by Called and Calling Number page and added provider LCR-1 through LCR-10. API added for viewing rates by called and calling numbers.
Added API for viewing rates by called and calling number
Removed duration and added terminating cause code for Routing CDR viewers
Added Call Start time to Routing CDR viewers
Rebuilt Fraud-Control/Blacklists/Blacklisted-Called-Numbers/Monitor-Blacklisted-Calls as a routing viewer
Added an updatable “Reason” field for the Traffic/Suspensions pages
Added section Route Provisioning/Routing CDRs/By Account/ with the following pages:
Calling Number
Added LCR-1 through LCR-10 choices in Products-By-Called-And-Calling-Number/Providers
Added Billing/Rates/Current-Rates/By-Called-And-Calling-Number sub-menu
Moved Billing/Rates/Current-Rates to By-Called-Number sub-menu
Added Provider and Product rates to Route-Provisioning/Least-Cost/Products-By-Called-And-Calling-Number
2023-01-1912. Plan enhancements to include a Calling Breakout Column.
Extended Rate-Provisioning/Provision-Rate-Plans/Create-Rate-Plan-Templates to include optional “Calling Breakout Column”
Extended Rate-Provisioning/Provision-Rate-Plans/Upload-Rate-Plan-Files to include optional “Calling Breakout”
Extended Billing/Rates/All-Rate-Plans/View-Exported-Rate-Plans to include “Calling Breakout”
Extended CDR Rate to use both Called and Calling numbers
Extended CDR Analyzer to include
ProxyIngressAddress as Ingress Address
ProxyEgressAddress as Egress Address
2023-01-1112.17.02Least Cost Routing enhancements to include new fields.
Added the following configuration sets to LCR Pages:
Product profit margin
Route must have rate
Rate multiplier
2023-01-1012. configuration to separate Products into “By-Called-Number” and “By-Called-And-Calling-Number”
2023-01-0512. Lookup Tool added for help in troubleshooting.
Added functionality in LCR pages to allow Product routing by Called and Calling Numbers
Added route lookup tool (Server/Monitors/Route-Lookup)
2022-12-1512. bulk-update ‘C’reate / ‘D’elete for:
Devices / Subnets
Destinations / Terminating Devices
Route Breakouts / Destinations
Product Breakouts / Destinations
2022-12-1012.16.15Extended bulk-update ‘C’reate / ‘D’elete from Subscriber Rate Plan Names to Accounts and Products
2022-12-0312.16.12Extended bulk-update for the MultiColumn and MultiColumnTwoLevel and Number Translation config modules to support ‘U’ for delete/add
Added bulk-update ‘C’reate / ‘D’elete to Subscriber Rate Plan Names
Added host name (%X{Key-Host-Name}) to the subject of Trigger SMTP
2022-11-0712.16.9Updated OpenSIPs defaults for SERVER_TYPE (proxy->redirect) and SUID_LOGIC (xuserid->xbwsdnc)
2022-11-0112. - 8.1.9Extended OSPrey Default Values to include CALLED_NUMBER_EDIT_RULE=1-TruncateAfterFirstNonRoutableChar
Extended SipPing to (optionally) check for x-sti-as
2022-10-2712. StiPing to OspreyMonitor
Added pages and a widget for monitoring STI responses from OSPrey servers
Relaxed Called/Calling number validation for Number Translation to include alpha characters
Relaxed Called/Calling out prefix for Devices and Subnets to include alpha characters
Extended Accounts/Subscribers/Subscriber Rate Plan Assignments to allow multiple rate plans
2022-10-1212.16.5Added opensips SUID_LOGIC default variable
2022-09-1512.16.2Upgraded STI-KMS to 2.4.2 to support multiple certificates with the same SPID
Resolved issue where CDR Analyzer CDR/Reports could not be copied or deleted
Added the following new pages for managing OSPrey Config (Server/Software/OSPrey-Provisioning):
Default Config
Custom Config
CDR Puller
2022-08-1612. – 8.0.2Added support for multiple certificates with the same SPID
Extended SHAKEN/Operator page to support unique name
2022-07-2112. Credit Check Functionality
Added new page Route-Provisioning/Configuration/Config-Loss-Protection
Extended Server/Monitors/Optional-SIP-Headers to support stiVSattestationHeaderName
2022-06-2112. - 7.15.3Added OSPrey/NexOSS replication to RatePlansForSubscribers config
Extended Rate Provisioning to support the new Subscriber/DID-Subscriber rate plan type
Extended CDR Analyzer to include Calling / Called Subscriber Rate Plan columns
2022-06-0912. - 7.15.1Added Subscriber rating functionality
Subscriber Account page added
Subscriber rate plans pages added
Added Rate Plans for Subscriber (requires OSPrey 7.15.0)
Added properties at the Account Level for Billing To/From Subscribers, Routing to Subscribers and Dial Plan from Subscribers
2022-05-2412.12.4Interop with MySQL 8.x.x (HeatWave)
Bug-Fix: Corrected “Database out of space” to be an error log instead of a warning
Bug-Fix: Correct issue where LCR (static route) interprets provider’s “must have rate” option as must have rate for both the provider and the product.
2022-05-0412.12.3Added host name (%X{Key-Host-Name}) to the subject of Error and State Change SMTP alerts
2022-04-1812.12.1Added CallingNumber After LRN and CallingSPID to CDR Analyzer
Reorganized CDR Analyzer view and column definitions
Updated rating for inbound calls to use CallingLRN (instead of CallingNumberAfterPreRouting)
Added CallingLRN
Extended CDR Analyzer to view skipped CDR (CDR-Analyzer/Skipped/Reports)
Extended email configuration (Errors
2022-03-3112.11.3Added support for AmazonSESEmail
2022-03-2812. STI-KMS (v.2.4.0) to support NeuStar CA in United States and Canada
Added Certificate Issued At, Expires At and URL properties in SHALEN/Operator pages
Added new UI page: Route-Provisioning/Configurations/Subnet-Partitioning – for selecting subnet partitioning types
2022-03-2212. – 7.14.2Added a new NexOSS variable - SubnetPartitionType (OSPrey,SBC,Gateway) - for selecting subnet partitioning type (Requires OSPrey 7.13.1)
7.13.0Extended DID to include subnets as choices for destinations
Added “Delete All” action to CDR Analyzer/Auxiliary Tables/List-1 through List-5
Added “Delete All” action to Rate-Provisioning/Provision-Rate-Plans/Manage-Area-Names
Split SHAKEN/Operator into US (original) and Canada (new)
Added account level property - Do CIC Routing and RoutingByCic.cfg
Added new UI page for managing CIC Routing: Route-Provisioning/By-CIC
Added support for bit mask length of 0 (previously only 1 through 31 were allowed)
Extended Accounts/Subnets page to include properties required for termination
Extended the Route-Provisioning/Destinations/Add-Device-to-Destination to include subnets as choices for destinations
Added Decision Traces column to the Fraud By Account CDR Viewer
Store OSPrey CDR column Decision Traces in ROUTEDCDR and ARCHIVEDROUTEDCDR tables
Extended Call Trace config to include “Store Decision Traces in CDR” flag
Dropped support for CDRAnalzyer columns - Src
2022-01-1912.10.0Extended CDRAnalyzer to include “TC Code Description” column
7.12.0Added Account level - “Routing To Subscribers” and “Dial Plan From Subscribers” properties
Added Subscriber (By User
7.11.0 - 7.11.4Added new Exception Routing By Prefix - using Called Number After “In-Prefix”
Upgraded KMS to version 2.3.1
Split Route-Provisioning/Exception-Routing into the following:
Before Pre-Routing-Translation
After Pre-Routing-Translation
2021-10-0212.7.2Upgraded Tomcat from 9.0.24 to 9.0.54
Extended Accounts/Subscribers/Subscribers-By-UserId to include translated Calling and Called Numbers and to allow empty (no translation) translated Calling and Called Numbers
Extended Accounts/Subscribers/Subscribers-By-CLID to include translated Calling and Called Numbers and to allow empty (no translation) translated Calling and Called Numbers
2021-09-2812. - 7.10.1Added Dial Plan From Subscribers page: Route-Provisioning/Least-Cost/Dial-Plans/Dial-Plan-From-Subscribers
Added Routing To Subscribers page: Route-Provisioning/Routing-To-Subscribers
Added optional SIP headers for describing Subscriber orig/term ServiceProviderId/GroupId/UserId: Server/Monitors/Optional-SIP-Headers
2021-09-2712. Rate-Provisioning/Provision-Rate-Plans/Create-Rate-Plan-Templates to include the following:
Updated 18YY LCR to allow negative rates
7.08.0 - 7.09.1Extended Reputation/CNam policies to include Invalid Number and High Risk Number Actions and CNAM templates
Added CallingNumberShieldStatus and CallingNumberinDID/CalledNumberinDID in CDR as fields 247 through 249.
Updated all pages to include deleteAll action.
2021-09-2512. 0 rank in Exception, DID, 18yy, Direct Peering and Direct Routes pages. 0-rank is the last device in load-balancing and ignores terminating suspensions.
Added support for Neustar as a reputation and cnam provider
Added called/calling number in DID columns
2021-09-2412. CDR Analyzer auxiliary LIST_4 and LIST_5 to CDR-Analyzer/Auxiliary-Tables
2021-09-2112. Route-Provisionining/Destinations/Manage-Destination property allowing calls Only From DID (Calling Numbers)
Added two new CDRAnalyzer CDR Columns - CallingNumberInDID and CalledNumberInDID.
7.05.1 - 7.06.6Added CPSProvider_Voisek_AccessResource variables to SHAKEN/Providers/Config
Resolved date/time input issue where date selection calendar missing from several pages.
7.05.0Added Exception routing
Added a new account property to participate in Exception Routing
Added Exception routing pages: Route-Provisioning/Exception-Routing
Added PeersIncremental routing in Direct Peering and added new UI pages in Route-Provisioning/Direct-Peering/Peers-Incremental
2021-08-2412. - 7.04.4
2021-08-1112.2.3Extended CDRAnalyzer to support a new column - Reported LRN
Upgraded STI-KMS to version 2.3.0
2021-07-1312.2.2Upgraded KMS to version 2.2.0 - support for test certficates and CA-list,CRL refresh using CA’s API
Extended CDRAnalyzer to support STI Auth
2021-06-1412.2.1Added Robocall Mitigation Policies
Added a new CDR column Calling Number Shield Status
7.01.0Removed restriction on profit margins so that both positive and negative numbers are allowed.
Updated configuration to allow dots (.) in web user account names
Allowed account type of Provider in SHAKEN/Authentication Policies
Updated pages so that passwords will not be shown in clear text
Removed obsolete re-rating pages
Removed obsolete cdrconverter log pages
Added a new UI Page: Fraud-Control/Robocall-Toolkit/Robocall-Mitigation
Enhanced NexOSS Resource Monitor to display the following parameters.
2021-05-1112. support for SIP tagging to OSPrey SIP Monitor
Extended SIP Ping to include optional Attestation-Info and Origination-Id headers
Removed SHAKEN/Calling Numbers page
2021-05-1012. support for SIP Tagging for SHAKEN
Extended STI Authentication Policies to include “Use Reported Attestation” and “Use Reported OriginationId”
2021-04-1912. SipPing to enable SHAKEN testing
Added option to include Identity token
Added option to include display name (for the from header)
Added a utility for sending HTTP STI Signing request to generate PASSporT
Added Bulk-Update action to Pre-Routing Number Translation
2021-04-0112.0.0Extended Number Translation and Dial Plan configurations to support Bulk-Update. This feature enables tables to be updated for incremental changes instead of a complete replace. Bulk-Update file format requires a new first column with two possible values: D for delete the matching record or C for create a new record. This change is also added to the API.

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Version 11

DateNexOSS VersionUI VersionOSPrey VersionSignificant Changes
2021-03-2211.12.04Change made to avoid false positive alerts created by the change from standard time to daylight savings time.
Improve error reporting by OSPrey SIP Monitor.
Add reports to NexOSS for Robocall Mitigation.
Prevent user errors that might result erase and DID and Peering configuration data.
Corrected suspension type in Suspensions by Group Id and Suspensions by UserId
Added Call Release By Destination Ratio column in dynamic CDR report
Extended Server/Resources/OSPrey-SIP-Monitor/Configuration to include MaxRetries and DelayBetweenRetries variables
2021-03-0411. alerts to notify users that expected configuration updates from external sources have stopped working.
2021-02-1111. support for RouteLink product from Somos. NexOSS customers can now route calls by RespOrg ID.
Improvement: Eliminate duplicate alerts. Suppress alerts when a suspension already existing.
Added new CDR and Traffic Analyzer column: RespOrgId
2021-02-0411. - 6.06.2NexOSS is now integrated with the Somos RouteLink product to enable toll free routing by RespOrg.
Added new UI page for configuring Route Link (18YY) API
Added new UI page for looking up RespOrgId by 18YY number
Added new UI page for managing routing by RespOrgId
Added new account property – Allow RespOrgId Routing
New SIP headers have been added to convey the SHAKEN authentication and verification status of each call.
Allow the key work ANY DID NUMBER for Calling/Called number in STI Authentication and STI verification and in CNam policies
Extended STI Verification policies to include Certificate (OCN of the Provider) and method in-band/in-and-out-of-band
Extended STI Authentcation policies to include Certificate (OCN of the Provider) and Use Reported Display Name for RCD
Extended STI Authentication policies to include Use Reported PASSporT
Merged STI Authentication page into Operator page and added support for multiple certificates
Added Download buttons to OSPrey License and NexOSS Minutes Processed pages
Added new UI page: Server/Monitors/Optional-SIP-Headers
reasonSIPheaderEnabled = true/false
stiASstatusHeaderName = STI-AS-Status/disabled
stiVSstatusHeaderName = STI-VS-Status/disabled
Enabled matchAllPrefixesSearch on the following pages:
2021-01-1411.11.00This release enables NexOSS customers to support multiple SHAKEN certificates and to add the calling name as a Rich Call Data claim in the SHAKEN PASSporT.
Extended KMS to support multiple operator certificates (one per OCN)
Adding support for out-of-band SHAKEN and rich call data
Extended SHAKEN Verification policies to include Certificate (OCN of the Provider) column and method in-band/in-and-out-of-band
Extended Authentication policies to include Use Reported Display Name for RCD. The name of the calling party is now included in the SHAKEN PASSporT as the RCD nam claim.
Extended STI Authentication policies to include Use Reported PASSporT
Allow for CLI in STI Auth/Ver and CNam policies to be “ANY DID NUMBER”. This special value must be explicitly entered. It will not be a dropdown choice.
2020-12-2211. the full SIP INVITE received by OSPrey as a CDR field that can be viewed in NexOSS real time reports.
Extended list of CNam providers to include BulkCnam (requires NexOSS 11.10.1 / OSPrey 6.4.0 / NexCNam 1.2.0)
Extended list of Repurtation provider to include TrueCNam (requires NexOSS 11.10.1 / OSPrey 6.4.0 / NexCNam 1.2.0)
Added CNam authentication for BulkCNam and TrueCNam
‘Processed Time’ can be reported as an aggregated value by millisecond, 10 milliseconds or 100 milliseconds in CDRAnalyzer.
2020-12-1611. new UI pages: CDR-Analyzer/CDR-Collection-Reports for monitoring CDR Analyzer’s CDR collection
Enhanced report e-mail alerts to only send alerts when a periodic report has data.
2020-12-1011. Billing Credit Control reports by Service Provider Id / Group Id to use OSPrey suspensions instead of BroadWorks OCI calls.
Added new UI page: Server/Monitors/Call-Trace
2020-12-0411. Fraud-Control/Configuration/Disable-Reports/Filter to support both by Service Provider/Group Id and Account/Device.
Extended Fraud-Control/Suspension to support manually added suspensions by Device Group Id or User Id. Can user either Fraud Breakouts or full LRN
2020-12-0111. Bulk Update action for the following pages:
2020-11-2011. CNam configuration to NexOSS User Interface
2020-11-1811. - 6.03.7Extended CNAM policies to support “Trust Reported Display Name” property (default true).
2020-11-1611. error alerts to only alert on status changes.
Renamed Server/Logs/Application-State-Change to State-Change-Alerts
2020-11-1111. new UI page: Server/Logs/Application-State-Change/E-Mail
2020-11-0411. error reporting to minimize noise for intermittent errors due to transient network or system conditions.
Added new UI page: Server/Monitors/Retries
2020-10-2011. – 6.03.5Add option to exclude breakouts from Product Rate Plans when not rate is available for a breakout defined in the LERG.
2020-10-1411. feature to modify CNAM display based on calling number reputation or SHAKEN Verification results.
Added CNAM, reputation and processing time columns into CDRAnalyzer report
Updated CNam policy actions to include ‘Replace CNam’
Updated CNam configuration to include warning/alerting replace/modify templates and cnam/reputation TTLs
10 new data columns added to CDRAnalyzer for reporting calling number reputation results, CNAM results and OSPrey performance.
2020-10-0811. Robocall analytics with CNAM look-up feature. Robocall feature include warning alert thresholds and blocking or diversion thresholds.
2020-10-0611.07.02Added feature to use the YouMail database of high-risk telephone numbers for robocall prevention and mitigation. Database is hosted on OSPrey with automated update every hour. Customer must subscribe with YouMail to get the data.
2020-09-3011. create Product rate plans from LCR routing table based on profit margin and minimum required number of providers.
Optimized CDR collection so CDRs are collected more quickly with lower CPU utilization.
Add reports in CDRAnalyzer by 7-digit prefix for LRN, Called Number and Calling Number.
Added new UI page: Route-Provisioning/Least-Cost/Products/Generate-Product-Rates
Updated all SIP Fraud pages to support block action and diversion route plan name
2020-09-1611. blacklisted by Calling Number, Called Number, source IP address or user agent can now be diverted. The new feature is enabled by a new device property called “Blacklist Action”. If this feature is set to ‘Divert’, OSPrey will return the special ‘Diversion For Blacklisted Calls’ Diversion Route Plan.
Added Ad-Hoc Filter 1 and Ad-Hoc Filter 2 to CDR Analyzer schedule pages
2020-08-3111. bulk updates and deletes for configuration files such as the Subscriber, DIDbyNumber and DIDbyOCN tables. Improved performance for large files, 1 million + records.
2020-08-1711.06.01Enhance fraud triggers so calls can be either blocked or diverted when a fraud trigger is activated. When diversion is configured, the first destination will be the diversion devices, such as a CAPTCHA gateway, followed by destinations for peering, direct routes and LCR. This enables CAPTCHA gateway operation for outbound calls.
6.02.0 - 6.02.1Enabled the Traffic-Analyzer/Suspensions page to allow Calling Number.
Added new UI page for manage Calling Number Breakouts
Increased max upload file size to 200M
Extended Fraud-Control/SIP-Analytics-Basic/By-Customer-Device/Traffic-Pumping/Trigger-Thresholds to support action enum and diversion route name
Added new UI pages for managing Diversion Routes
Extended Destinations to have tag and comment properties
Added Calling Number Breakout Code, Calling Number Reported and Called Number Reported into CDRAnalyzer report
2020-07-2111.05.00Added three new data fields in CDRAnalyzer: Calling Number Breakout, Calling Number Reported (before number translation) and Called Number Reported (different from called number used for routing which may be the Location Routing Number).
2020-07-0711.04.01Add support for Out-of-Band SHAKEN
2020-06-2411.04.00Adding billing rate, breakout and breakout name, for both the source and destination networks to CDRAnalyzer.
Allow both customer and providers to have number translation rules
Limit download/view of CDR files to 100M
Added User-Agent, source and destination realm columns into CDRAnalyzer report
Added progress indicator for direct-peering upload
Split OSPrey-License-Check into OSPrey-Monitor (License Utilization, UI, SIP) and NexOSS-Monitor (License Utilization, UI)
Extended CDR Analyzer Schedule to include an optional delay in
2020-04-2111.02.03Called numbers may be blacklisted by Fraud Trigger Breakout Code Name. For example, calls to “Canada” could be blacklisted.
2020-04-2111. - 6.01.1Updated Fraud-Control/Blacklists/Blacklisted-Called-Numbers/Custom-Black-White-List to accept either a telephone number or a Fraud Trigger Breakout Name
Added new page – Route Provisioning / Configuration / Routing Loop Detection
Added source/destination/reporting/wire device IP address columns into CDRAnalyzer report.
2020-04-1611.01.02By default, LCR tables are created by rank ordering providers by their billing rate. A new feature enables the definition of provider routing rates. If routing rates are provisioned for a provider, then the routing rate, not the billing rate, will be used to determine LCR. This feature enables providers with higher billing rates to be ranked higher in the LCR table.
2020-03-3011. “Minimum Certificate Utilization Before Renew” field to SHAKEN/CA-Authentication page
Extended CNAM configuration to include Caller Id templates for verified and unverified calls.
Added “ByAreaName” as an option for how rates are defined on the Rate Plan Templates page.
Added new page: Rate Provisioning / Provision Rate Plans / Manage Area Names
Included Provider Accounts in the account list for subnets.
Extended the Terminating Breakouts to include Routing Rate Multiplier.
Extended Full Product View to show both Routing and Billing Rate / Profit Margin.
Added Trigger Breakout Name column in CDRAnalyzer report.
6.00.0OSPrey can query an external CNAM database, and also block calls based on query to an external spam call analytics engine.
Added pages for managing Reputation/CName policies and configuration.
Added page for managing a private list of trusted root Cas.
Added Configuration Page for STI-KMS and support different credentials for Primary/StandBy NexOSS

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Version 10

DateNexOSS VersionUI VersionOSPrey VersionSignificant Changes
2020-03-0510.16.05OSPrey enabled for direct API integration with iconectiv SHAKEN Policy Administrator
Added SIP INVITE records to CDRAnalyzer
Added log file viewer pages.
Added CDRAnalyzer routing report.
Added template name and note in CDRAnalyzer report detail view pages.
Added a new set of CDR Analyzer pages for managing Routed CDRs: CDR-Analyzer / Routing-Reports.
2020-02-0710. black lists to use Called Number After Pre-Routing instead of After Routing (which may include pound, 1 and LRN)
Added a new configuration page Traffic-Analyzer/Configuration/Short-Telephone-Numbers/Calling-Numbers-Rule
Added a new configuration page Route-Provisioning/Configuration/Product-Inclusions-Exclusions for managing auto-exclusions and optional inclusions
Updated Route-Provisioning/Least-Cost/Products/Inclusions and Exclusions pages to show the status of RequireExplicitProductInclusions and AutoExcludeNewProvidersFromProducts
2020-02-0410. from self-signed SHAKEN certificates to STI-PA authorized certificates.
Removed SHAKEN / Root Certificate page
2020-01-1510. CDRAnalyzer columns added:
CalledNumber After LNP
CalledLRN 7 Digit Prefix
Destination Rate Center
LERG Company Name
LERG Prefix Type
2020-01-1010. NexOSS HA operation. Added CDRAnalyzer support for AWS Redshift database
Removed “Wild Card” account option from manually added Traffic Analyzer / Suspensions page
Fixed CDRAnalyzer report diaplay issues for month, day, hour and minute column types.
Disabled empty/wild card option for Fraud Control/Configuration/Global Black White List page called number.
Extended CDRAnalyzer templates to include optional sub-folder
Extended CDRAnalyzer templates to include optional S3 Bucket
Allow in CDRAnalyzer templates for sort to be optional
Updated Server/Maintenance/DataBase-Clean-Up for the new column (TimeColumn) in CLEAN_UP table
Updated all CDRAnalyzer report average duration column types to secondsToMinutesAndSeconds.
2019-12-0510. semi-month option to CDRAnalyzer / Sechdule pages
2019-12-0410.15.01Extended CDRAnalyzer to include call records for SIP INVITES. Enable CDRAnalyzer to create reports for SIP Analytics fraud control records.
2019-11-2710. - 5.64.1Improved margin optimization for wholesale LCR.
Added two new pages at Number Translation / Routing / Call Type -> CallType-By-Prefix and Jurisdiction-By-CallType
Added a new page Route Provisioning / Least Cost / Products / Full View Stale (will not trigger a rebuild of the routing table)
Added a new page for reducing the number of routing CDRs (redirect use case only) Traffic Analyzer / Configuration / Minimize-Routing-CDRs
Extended Traffic Analyzer / Suspensions to allow blocking calls by full LRN

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TransNexus solutions

TransNexus is a leader in developing innovative software to manage and protect telecommunications networks. The company has over 25 years of experience in providing telecom software solutions including branded calling, toll fraud prevention, robocall mitigation and prevention, TDoS prevention, analytics, routing, billing support, STIR/SHAKEN and SHAKEN certificate services.

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