SIP Forum webinar—How to Build a CPS for Out-of-Band SHAKEN
Out-of-Band SHAKEN call authentication benefits for everyone
ATLANTA, Georgia, June 3, 2020 — TransNexus today announced that they will present a webinar, How to Build a CPS for Out-of-Band SHAKEN, as part of the SIP Forum STIR/SHAKEN Virtual Summit. This one-hour presentation will take place on Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 12:00 noon EDT.
What: | Learn how to build a CPS |
Why | Enable widespread participation in STIR/SHAKEN |
When: | Thursday, June 25, 2020 from 12:00 noon – 1:00 p.m. EDT |
Who: | Presented by Alec Fenichel, TransNexus Senior Software Architect |
Audience: | Telecom software developers and network operators |
Cost: | Free |
Where: | Online webinar. Register now! |
A Call Placement Service (CPS) is used to receive PASSporT Identity tokens transported with Out-of-Band SHAKEN. The CPS makes these tokens available to the terminating service provider’s verification service (STI-VS) to verify call authentication information using standard STIR/SHAKEN processes.
Out-of-Band SHAKEN standards are under discussion within the ATIS IP-NNI Task Force.
In this webinar, TransNexus will describe how to build a distributed, redundant, secure CPS using open source tools. The presentation, accompanying documentation, and open source code will provide attendees with sufficient detail to build their own CPS.

“Out-of-Band SHAKEN delivers call authentication benefits to everyone using the telephone network available today,” said Alec Fenichel, TransNexus Senior Software Architect. “In this webinar, we will show you how to build a CPS—an essential component—to make Out-of-Band SHAKEN work for you.”

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