Robocalls up in January

Robocalls continued an upward trend in the U.S. month-over-month and compared with the same month in the previous year. Let’s have a look.

Robocalls Continue Their Upward Trend

Robocalls in the U.S. through January 2023

Figure 1. Robocalls in the U.S. through January 2023

The top part of Figure 1 shows the monthly trend of robocalls in the U.S. The red line shows 4.5 billion robocalls in January as a baseline for comparison with other months. The green dotted line shows the upward trend in robocalls over the past 12 months.

The bar chart in the lower part of Figure 1 compares robocalls in each month with the same month in the previous year. For the first part of 2022, monthly robocalls were lower than the same month in the previous year. Since August 2022, this trend is reversed.

Both the green trend line and the same-month-previous-year comparisons show that robocalls are increasing.

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TransNexus solutions

TransNexus is a leader in developing innovative software to manage and protect telecommunications networks. The company has over 20 years’ experience in providing telecom software solutions including toll fraud prevention, robocall mitigation and prevention, TDoS prevention, analytics, routing, billing support, STIR/SHAKEN and SHAKEN certificate services.

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