Robocall mitigation certification filing begins
The FCC has opened the portal to accept robocall mitigation certification filings from voice service providers. All providers that transmit calls with U.S. NANP calling numbers must have a registration on file by June 30, 2021.
Here’s a brief overview.
Filing requirement
This filing requirement was included in the FCC’s Second Report and Order on call authentication, STIR/SHAKEN (WC 17-97), paragraphs 82–83.
We require all voice service providers to certify that their traffic is either “signed with STIR/SHAKEN or… subject to a robocall mitigation program” that includes “tak[ing] reasonable steps to avoid originating illegal robocall traffic,” and committing to cooperating with the Commission, law enforcement, and the industry traceback consortium in investigating and stopping any illegal robocallers that it learns are using its service to originate calls.
For those voice service providers that certify that some or all of their traffic is “subject to a robocall mitigation program,” we require such voice service providers to detail in their certifications the specific “reasonable steps” that they have taken “to avoid originating illegal robocall traffic…
Voice service providers must file certifications via a portal on the Commission’s website that we will establish for this purpose.

Filing process
The Robocall Mitigation Database (RMD) is available for public viewing. To submit a certification, you need an FCC Registration Number and must use it to log in.
All filers are required to provide the following information:
- Identification information for the voice service provider and point of contact
- The certification option that you are using. These options include:
- Complete STIR/SHAKEN implementation
- Partial STIR/SHAKEN implementation
- No STIR/SHAKEN implementation
- Check the declaration and provide an officer’s e-signature.
Only one of these three certification options can be selected.
After answering these questions, providers that certify a complete STIR/SHAKEN implementation are done.
Providers that certify either a partial STIR/SHAKEN implementation or no STIR/SHAKEN implementation are also required to upload a document that explains the following:
- The specific reasonable steps the voice service provider has taken to avoid originating illegal robocall traffic as part of its robocall mitigation program
- The type(s) of extensions received under 47 CFR § 64.6304.
Filers may request that some information in their certification be withheld from public inspection. To do so, the filer must submit a confidentiality request in the FCC Electronic Comment Filing System (EFCS) and submit two versions of their certification, a redacted version for public viewing and a full version for the Commission.
FCC Robocall Mitigation Database Portal
TransNexus robocall mitigation solutions
We offer robocall mitigation solutions in our ClearIP and NexOSS software products. We can help you deploy them quickly and easily.
In addition, we make it easy for customers that use our robocall mitigation solutions to complete their certification filing document.
Contact us today to learn more.
TransNexus has a comprehensive suite of robocall mitigation solutions to prevent the origination of unlawful robocalls.
Learn more about robocall mitigation