FCC, FTC demand gateway providers cut off robocalls
The FCC and FTC sent letters to three gateway providers to demand that they cut off illegal robocalls originated overseas. If they don’t cut off these robocalls, then the FCC and FTC ask USTelecom members to block all calls from these gateway providers.
The three gateway providers are:
- RSCom of Knoxville TN and Aurora ON. Traceback efforts have identified them as the gateway for fake COVID-19 refund messages originated in the United Kingdom.
- PTGi Carrier Services of Washington DC. Traceback has identified them as the gateway for fake messages spoofing the Social Security Administration with a message that the called party’s account will be suspended. These messages originated in Germany.
- Intelepeer of San Mateo CA. Traceback has identified them as the gateway for overseas calls with messages about low interest rate scams.
The letters give these companies 48 hours to cut of these scam robocalls. If they do not, other USTelecom members will block all calls from these gateway providers.

“We expect nothing less from these providers than shutting down this scam robocall traffic,” said FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. “They need to stop this traffic and not let it back on their networks—or face losing their access to the American phone system.”
The FCC and FTC took a similar course of action on April 3, when they demanded three other gateway carriers cut off illegal robocalls from overseas or else face having all their calls blocked. Those gateway providers complied with the request.