NexOSS enhancement highlights
We want to share with you highlights of updates to our NexOSS software product during the past year. There have been many, but there are a few performance and functionality enhancements that we want to highlight.
- Faster CDR processing. We’ve tuned this for performance, and we’re seeing jobs finish as much as five times faster than before.
- Reduced host server memory requirements by as much as 50%.
- Reduce time to build large Least Cost Routing tables by as much as 90%.
- Added an interface for near real time local number portability updates from 10X People, a provider of LNP products and services and a TransNexus solution partner.
- Added integration with the SHAKEN Policy Administrator (STI-PA) and Certificate Authorities (STI-CAs) for STIR/SHAKEN processing.
Contact us for more information about these enhancements and NexOSS.