The Do Not Call List Doesnt Work
The recently formed Robocall Strike Force by the FCC hopes telecom companies can help develop solutions to stop the bad guys. Legitimate telemarketers won’t call consumers if they’re on the Do Not Call List. But criminal spammers don’t care about the Do Not Call list and it’s pretty easy for them to evade any law enforcement.
The FCC is working with the major phone companies to help mitigate these illegal spammers. Tom Wheeler, the FCC commissioner, said recently that “the bad guys are beating the good guys with technology.” More than 200,000 complaints about unwanted calls come into the FCC every year. The calls are very easy for criminals to make—the technology is inexpensive and the barriers are low.
TransNexus will keep you up to date on the work the FCC’s Robocall Strike Force is doing. In the meantime, if you need to prevent fraud now, take a look at our solutions.