Are you a VoIP telecom fraud victim? File a complaint.
If your business has become subjected to telecom fraud, it is important to file a complaint and register your fraud losses to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) online on their website.
IC3 is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). Filing a complaint most likely will not help the victim recover fraud losses, but it will aid law enforcement for these types of attacks in the future.
The information businesses provide on the complaint will give law enforcement a better understanding of what type of fraud is occurring, location(s) of the occurrences, magnitude of the losses financially, and identify outlying trends. This will help with solving cases in the future.
In addition, the FBI will direct more resources in tracking down toll fraud criminals if there is evidence that the fraud losses are of significant amounts. Each victim complained filed with a fraud loss amount will increase the overall focus and attention that law enforcement has on stopping telecom fraud rings.
If your business has been subjected to telecom fraud, you can file a complaint online at