NexOSS V6.1 Release Notes
NexOSS V6.1 is now available and includes the following enhancements.
New telecom fraud detection based on call duration scores for 60 minute time periods. We have found this technique is an effective method to identify fraudulent calls when the traffic profile is similar to normal calling patterns. Since the calls are rated in real time as the CDRs are received, this fraud trigger basically monitors the hourly spend rate for each call source to every country code or fraud breakout trigger configured. The call sources are monitored for fraud by:
- Source Realm
- Source IP
- GroupId
- UserId
- Calling Number
Telecom fraud detection for BroadWorks user has been expanded with traffic monitoring by serviceProviderId and groupId.
All 80 real timereports in NexOSS now include a direct link to the underlying CDR. It provides convenient one click access to targeted CDRs for fast and easy analysis.
Improved CDR mediation and reporting. Local calls and calls to extensions are now grouped accordingly in all reports.
New web interface enables users to selectively disable real time reports that are not needed. Disabling unnecessary real time reports saves disk space and improves host server performance.