Ask the expert - telecom fraud risks in the cloud
What steps should businesses take to protect themselves from fraudulent activity and hacking as they receive their communications services from cloud and hosted providers?
With the arrival of new cloud based services, including fully hosted PBXs, enterprises have been able to realize many of the new benefits of unified communications without needing to install new hardware or hire new management staff. However, just like with traditional systems, there are some risks of fraud that come with working with these services.
Moving to a cloud model, many businesses might erroneously believe the risk and responsibility resides solely with the cloud provider. That is not always the case. Businesses can—and should—actively protect themselves against telecom fraud.
There are many ways that an enterprise may increase the security of their network. At TransNexus, we recommend using a fraud detection solution, such as those included in NexOSS or SDReporter. These solutions automatically detect unusual spikes in calls and block suspicious call routes.
“We live and die by our fraud detection reports” said Jay Cox, Director of Telecommunications Management at Appia Communications. Since moving to the TransNexus software, Appia has not had a single fraud event.
Learn more about fraud detection solutions from TransNexus.