Phone number reputation lookup

The Phone Number Reputation Lookup checks the reputation of the calling number. The calling number reputation is derived from a variety of sources, including crowdsourced feedback.

The Phone Number Reputation Lookup offers great flexibility in checking inbound calls. The service can be enabled for specific entities, such as:

  • Called and/or calling number (or number prefix)
  • Calling country
  • Service provider/Group/User

Reputation scoring

Reputation scores range from 0 to 100. The higher the number, the greater the risk that the call is from a robocaller. The default threshold is 79, which means that calls with a reputation score of 80 or higher trigger the defined action.

Reputation scoring is based upon data from a variety of sources.

data sources include CAPTCHA, honeypots, historical data, user blacklists, live traffic flows, end user feedback, government data, and other proprietary methods

Reputation scoring data sources

Phone Number Reputation Lookup gives your subscribers robocall relief


For each policy, you define an action, which can be either:

  • Report only
  • Indicate (put the word <SPAM> at the front of the Caller Display Name)
  • Divert to a specified diversion device, e.g., CAPTCHA or voicemail
  • Block the call

You can use SIP Messages and SIP Reports to review Phone Number Reputation Lookup outcomes. Some service providers send a report of robocalls blocked to their subscribers who have opted to use the service. It’s a great way to show the value of the service and give customers confidence that it’s working as promised.

The combination of precise policy controls, thresholds, and action, especially CAPTCHA, makes the Phone Number Reputation Lookup a powerful defense against unwanted robocalls.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you offer robocall relief to your subscribers using the Phone Number Reputation Lookup.

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This information will only be used to respond to your inquiry. TransNexus will not share your data with any third parties. We will retain your information for as long as needed to retain a record of your inquiry. For more information about how we use personal data, please see our privacy statement.